Monday, July 12, 2010

What are 2 different types of market research?

My Textiles teacher is being so unreasonable, i have to get 95% on this assessment or i will get a detention. This is so not fair. Please help me!!!!

What are 2 different types of market research?
primary and secondary.

primary you go do the research yourself. secondary you use stats already found by others.

Reply:Qualititative data which is asking for peoples opinions, and hard to collate...

Quantitative data which produces numbers which are easy to collate.

However, if its a dentention you are being threaterned with I am assuming your at a school age, in which case these answers are to advanced to give to your teacher... what is it you have to do other then an assessment??
Reply:Hmmmm, elaborate, you mean to actually conduct the market research or actual types of market research
Reply:There are 2 types of market research - Primary and Secondary (some times called Field or Desk research).

Primary sources of research are materials created by the individual concerned and include things like questionnaires, polls, study groups, working parties etc. Its new and not sourced from some one or some where else!

Secondary research is information that pre-exists. It can be gathered from sources such as the Internet, books, newspapers, magazines, papers (professional), Government or even companies such as MINTEL who's business is gathering statistics on different industries, markets sectors of society.
Reply:I would use word of mouth (grapevine), or pose as a customer.
Reply:Qualitative and quantitative.
Reply:Open and Closed Questioning.

Closed is Yes/No to validate a sponsors idea (eg hunting lobby or fast food ads ban).

Open is to get ideas on how usable a product is (did you like this ad, what did this ad mean to you, what do you think of this).

Actauly researrch can be:-

online random

online focus group

online sponsored group

telephone random

telephone focus group

telephone sponsored group

mailshot random

mailshot focus group

mailshot sponsored group

door to door focus group

door to door random

door to door sponsored group

street mugg: random

street mugg: specific groups
Reply:Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing and Door to Door (don't know proper name for this on or if there even is another name)

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