Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do we need research for marketing?

That's why there is a whole field of MARKET RESEARCH, which can be both qualitative and quantitative research

You need research to know your audience, what they want, waht they like or not like about your products. Example of market studies:

- Name test -- among several options, which name rings better with potential buyer

- Usage research -- how are users currently using the product

- Taste test -- food companies often prepare several

versions of their products and conduct research as to which taste consumers prefer

- Demographic research -- what is the age, sex, income, educational attainment, etc of your customers or potential market

I even had a client from a top company before who wanted to conduct a market research to see if grocery shoppers prefer taller table napkins stacked taller than the ones that sort of sags after a few days on the grocery aisle.

Top companies such as Procter or Gamble are very obsessive as to how the packaging of their new Tide product and other products should look -- and conduct lots of tests before releasing it to the market.

Even online companies are doing a lot of market research -- especially on the look and feel of their website and how users navigate their site.

Then there's focus group discussions where a moderator asks series of questions in the hope of understanding the concerns, needs and wants of their target market based on the sample group

Do we need research for marketing?
if you dont research the best methods of marketing your product or service and get a solid understanding of your customers, how could you possibly justify your decisions moving forward? No research = sure failure

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